21 Ness locations globally 1999 Founded 4,000+ Employees
For more than two decades, Ness has helped organizations develop and integrate the software products and digital platforms they rely on to lead their markets. We are proud that our clients choose to work with us year after year.

We are proactive
We ask insightful questions to ensure we’re working on the right problem statement, and we will suggest alternative approaches to help clients achieve the best possible results.

We operate as a business partner to our clients
We take the time to understand our clients’ businesses and deliver solutions that fit their unique needs. Our clients feel we are “in it with them.”

We utilize the talents of our engineers across the globe to build complex solutions at scale
We are experts at building complex solutions at scale, mobilizing talented engineers from around the globe into tightly integrated teams with the best-fit expertise for our clients’ business needs.

We have a strong foundation in data analytics
Our digital mindset is manifest in the way we design for users and study how they use our digital propositions for continuous improvement. We listen and often challenge a company’s data strategy to ensure they are learning from the truth revealed by data -- to invest more in the areas that will deliver increased business value (and less in areas that do not).

We are recognized experts in Agile and DevOps development processes
Agile is core to how we work, and we ensure positive business outcomes by providing predictability, productivity and quality through defined processes that increase speed-to-value, institutionalize use of Agile practices in a sustainable manner, and include development of roadmaps that increase platform value over time.

We closely integrate design and development
We help clients build the right digital solutions faster by integrating experience and process design, platform engineering and data analytics from the start using our Ness Connected methodology.

Python Fundamentals Workshop​

Teofil Achirei - Development Lead

Python e un limbaj de programare dinamic care îți permite să lucrezi rapid și să integrezi diferite sisteme mai eficient. Are o sintaxă elegantă, programele scrise fiind mai ușor de citit. Librăria standard oferă soluții pentru multe probleme întâlnite frecvent, precum citirea și modificarea fișierelor, căutări în text folosind expresii regulate, conectarea la servere web, trimiterea emailurilor, etc.

În acest workshop de aproximativ 3h - 3.5h vom parcurge următoarele:

  • 1. Introducere și configurarea mediului de dezvoltare
  • 2. Elemente de bază a limbajului: sintaxa, tipuri de date, variabile, operatori
  • 3. Instrucțiuni de control și repetitive
  • 4. Structuri de date: list, tuple, set, dict
  • 5. Funcții
  • 6. Tratarea excepțiilor
  • 7. Introducere în Programare Orientată Obiect
  • 8. Trecere în revistă a bibliotecii standard Python
  • 9. Trecere în revistă a diverselor librării și framework-uri pentru web development, data science, machine learning

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